oh my...

Friday, August 20, 2010

well its safe to say that i am in a thoroughly bitter mood today. went to disneyland which was amazing, talked to my best friend, for the first time in a week, she has been on vacation out of cell phone range, both of which were totally awesome. now here comes the part where i am cranky: i finally found my ipad which has been missing for a solid TWO WEEKS had myself thinking it was missing. totally mad at myself, and guess where it was?

on my brothers bed.

holy goodness. he is so incredibly lucky that he is at work. ohmygosh. im so bitter. its not just that he had me freaking out, but it is also a personal space thing, he came into my room and searched through it in order to find MY ipad so he could use it for recreational purposes.( did i mention that it was a gift to me from my dead grandmother making it ten times more important?)needless to say, im extremely pissed at the moment.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

i now have 2, thats right TWO penpals. i woke up this afternoon (i work till midnight so i usually sleep late.) and checked my email and holy cow. thats right got number 2!! im going to have to say, considering my newness to this whole blog thing, these are some pretty sweet results. oh man. im thoroughly stoked.

in other news: there is a rediculously cute/religious/totally muscular guy who has been coming into my work. and he is most definitly the reason i make myself look cute to go serve coffee to people. lol. he drinks iced coffee and he also is terribly sweet. i am awaiting the day where he says "kate, marry me?"
am i getting a little carried away? well i will keep you updated on where it goes, or doesnt go... lets hope this one ends up better than my last man. who left me slightly bitter. lol


Its been a few days since i have blogged. however i come bearing extremely amazing news!!! i have my first REAL penpal (no offense Belen) this one is from out of state!!! i was about to go to sleep and then i cheacked my email real quick and BAZINGA!!! there was my new favorite phrase"i hear you are looking for penpals" because yes. yes i am. now i shall write her letter and send it out immedately ! oh dear goodness! im so excited! ahh!! any other takers out there in bloggerland?

day 2

Friday, August 13, 2010

blog day two. its official. at this point i have one follower. my dearest Belen. anyway, today was a garbage day off from work. i had to go to a dreadful 4 hour meeting where, the woman who spoke, was blatantly rude to me. Mary (bestfriend/coworker) says its because i "talk to much" but i disagree. i barely spoke. i was fighting  the good fight, to stay awake during her boring nonsense. there was this extremely hot, part time firefighter/part time Barista at the meeting who was my ONLY inspiration to stay awake. but Kim (coworker) said that he smelled like B.O., that's a definite dealbreaker. now i am home watching Phinneas and Ferb on Disney Channel. definitely ready for bed. although tomorrow i only predict more rude and obnoxious moments. but those are the ones that make life worth living.

First blog ever?!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It is safe to say that this is most definitely a first for me. let me just ask this. has anyone out there in blog world seen the movie "let the right ones in" well i just saw it like less than 30 minutes ago and it blew my mind. i still have far to many questions for my own good. might not sleep tonight. i think it was the growling that got me. it was definitely not the average vampire movie... anywho. i am looking for some penpals from anywhere in the world. i LOVE mail. if you would like to become my penpal email me at Kateslikewhat@aol.com and send my your name and address :) i may just pour my soul out to you. ;)