day 2

Friday, August 13, 2010

blog day two. its official. at this point i have one follower. my dearest Belen. anyway, today was a garbage day off from work. i had to go to a dreadful 4 hour meeting where, the woman who spoke, was blatantly rude to me. Mary (bestfriend/coworker) says its because i "talk to much" but i disagree. i barely spoke. i was fighting  the good fight, to stay awake during her boring nonsense. there was this extremely hot, part time firefighter/part time Barista at the meeting who was my ONLY inspiration to stay awake. but Kim (coworker) said that he smelled like B.O., that's a definite dealbreaker. now i am home watching Phinneas and Ferb on Disney Channel. definitely ready for bed. although tomorrow i only predict more rude and obnoxious moments. but those are the ones that make life worth living.


Belen said...

whaaat? was the meeting at (what's that place called?) headquarters or whatever? i missed the hot part time firefighter? poopskies.

so i've gotten so use to being in your presence that 2 days of not seeing you has made me miss your face.


OhhThatKateLion said...


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