Wednesday, August 18, 2010

i now have 2, thats right TWO penpals. i woke up this afternoon (i work till midnight so i usually sleep late.) and checked my email and holy cow. thats right got number 2!! im going to have to say, considering my newness to this whole blog thing, these are some pretty sweet results. oh man. im thoroughly stoked.

in other news: there is a rediculously cute/religious/totally muscular guy who has been coming into my work. and he is most definitly the reason i make myself look cute to go serve coffee to people. lol. he drinks iced coffee and he also is terribly sweet. i am awaiting the day where he says "kate, marry me?"
am i getting a little carried away? well i will keep you updated on where it goes, or doesnt go... lets hope this one ends up better than my last man. who left me slightly bitter. lol


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