oh my...

Friday, August 20, 2010

well its safe to say that i am in a thoroughly bitter mood today. went to disneyland which was amazing, talked to my best friend, for the first time in a week, she has been on vacation out of cell phone range, both of which were totally awesome. now here comes the part where i am cranky: i finally found my ipad which has been missing for a solid TWO WEEKS had myself thinking it was missing. totally mad at myself, and guess where it was?

on my brothers bed.

holy goodness. he is so incredibly lucky that he is at work. ohmygosh. im so bitter. its not just that he had me freaking out, but it is also a personal space thing, he came into my room and searched through it in order to find MY ipad so he could use it for recreational purposes.( did i mention that it was a gift to me from my dead grandmother making it ten times more important?)needless to say, im extremely pissed at the moment.


Belen said...

why does it seem like all the stories you tell me involving your brother has to do with him being all up in your space?

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